[NtKinect] readme-en.txt 2017/08/16 version 1.8.2 Bugfix for MultiThreading 2016/11/04 version 1.8 HDFace code changed. setHDFaceModelFlag() function added. 2016/09/06 version 1.7.1 Bugfix for HDFace. 2016/08/31 version 1.7 --> 2016/09/06 (Discontinued for version 1.6's change is not incorporated.) Bugfix for HDFace. 2016/08/24 version 1.6 Multi-threading support by mutual exclusion using mutex. Some thread-safe functions added. 2016/08/20 version 1.5 Gesture recognition supported. 2016/08/14 version 1.4 faceTrackingId[] member variable added for face recognition. HDFace supported. 2016/08/12 version 1.3 Specification setFace() function changed to support face recognition in DepthSpace. 2016/07/21 version 1.2 BugFix for BodyIndex. 2016/07/18 version 1.1 Speech recgnition code changed. 2016/07/15 version 1.0 Released. -------------------------------------- [TODO] I want to add the function setspeechFile(wstring,wstring) because Marshaling is troublesome. (2016/10/19) I want to add handState(int,bool) passed trackingId as the first argument. Now it is bodyIndex. (2016/10/21)