using System; using packt.FoodyGO.Database; using packt.FoodyGO.Managers; using UnityEngine; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace packt.FoodyGO.Services { public class MonsterExchangeService : Singleton { /// /// Prices or values all the monsters in the players inventory /// making an offer according to the budget of the place /// /// /// public MonsterOffer PriceMonsters(UI.Result result) { if (result == null) return null; //need a place result in order to value monsters var monsters = InventoryService.Instance.ReadMonsters(); //we cycle through all the reviews and merge the text //the reviews will give us specific details about each location //like the type of cuisine which we will use to match monster skills var reviewText = string.Empty; foreach(var r in { reviewText += r.text.ToLower() + " "; } List offers = new List(); //determine the budget the place/restaurant has to spend var budget = result.rating * (result.price_level + 1) * result.types.Count * 100; foreach (var m in monsters) { var val = 0; var skills = m.Skills.Split(','); //try to match skill words to reviews for bonus foreach (var s in skills) { val += findMatches(s.ToLower(), reviewText) * 100; } var cp = m.Power * m.Level; val += cp * 100; if (budget > val) offers.Add(new MonsterOffer { Monster = m, Value = val }); } //sort the offers by value, highest to lowest offers.Sort();offers.Reverse(); if (offers.Count > 0) return offers[0]; else return null; } private int findMatches(string s, string reviewText) { int count = (reviewText.Length - reviewText.Replace(s, "").Length)/s.Length; return count; } /// /// Converts an offer value to items and experience /// /// /// A summary of the loot public string ConvertOffer(MonsterOffer monsterOffer) { var value = monsterOffer.Value; var summary = string.Empty; //calculate experience monsterOffer.Experience = Mathf.RoundToInt(value / 10); summary += monsterOffer.Experience + " Experience" + Environment.NewLine; //convert value into ball units //ice-ball=100, dryice-ball=250, nitro-ball=1000 List items = new List(); if(value > 1000) { int balls = (int)value / 1000; for(int i = 0; i < balls; i++) { items.Add(new InventoryItem { Name = "Nitro-ball", ItemType = "Ball" }); } summary += balls + " Nitro-balls" + Environment.NewLine; value -= balls * 1000; } if (value > 250) { int balls = (int)value / 250; for (int i = 0; i < balls; i++) { items.Add(new InventoryItem { Name = "DryIce-ball", ItemType = "Ball" }); } summary += balls + " DryIce-balls" + Environment.NewLine; value -= balls * 250; } if (value > 100) { int balls = (int)value / 100; for (int i = 0; i < balls; i++) { items.Add(new InventoryItem { Name = "Ice-ball", ItemType = "Ball" }); } summary += balls + " Ice-balls" + Environment.NewLine; value -= balls * 100; } monsterOffer.Items = items; return summary; } } public class MonsterOffer : IComparable { public Monster Monster { get; set; } public float Value { get; set; } public int Experience { get; set; } public List Items { get; set; } private string offerText; public string OfferText { get { if(offerText == null) { offerText = ConvertOffer(); } return offerText; } } private string ConvertOffer() { return MonsterExchangeService.Instance.ConvertOffer(this); } //override Equals in order to provide custom sorting public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj == null) return false; var offer = obj as MonsterOffer; if (offer == null) return false; return Value.Equals(offer.Value); } //override GetHashCode to provide custom sorting public override int GetHashCode() { return Value.GetHashCode(); } //implement CompareTo for custom sorting on Value public int CompareTo(MonsterOffer other) { if (other == null) return 1; return Value.CompareTo(other.Value); } } }