using UnityEngine; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Reflection; using System.Net; /** * Example console commands for getting information about GameObjects */ public static class GameObjectCommands { [CUDLR.Command("object list", "lists all the game objects in the scene")] public static void ListGameObjects() { UnityEngine.Object[] objects = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(GameObject)); foreach (UnityEngine.Object obj in objects) { CUDLR.Console.Log(; } } [CUDLR.Command("object print", "lists properties of the object")] public static void PrintGameObject(string[] args) { if (args.Length < 1) { CUDLR.Console.Log( "expected : object print " ); return; } GameObject obj = GameObject.Find( args[0] ); if (obj == null) { CUDLR.Console.Log("GameObject not found : "+args[0]); } else { CUDLR.Console.Log("Game Object : "; foreach (Component component in obj.GetComponents(typeof(Component))) { CUDLR.Console.Log(" Component : "+component.GetType()); foreach (FieldInfo f in component.GetType().GetFields()) { CUDLR.Console.Log(" "+f.Name+" : "+f.GetValue(component)); } } } } } /** * Example console route for getting information about GameObjects * */ public static class GameObjectRoutes { [CUDLR.Route("^/object/list.json$", @"(GET|HEAD)", true)] public static void ListGameObjects(CUDLR.RequestContext context) { string json = "["; UnityEngine.Object[] objects = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(GameObject)); foreach (UnityEngine.Object obj in objects) { // FIXME object names need to be escaped.. use minijson or similar json += string.Format("\"{0}\", ",; } json = json.TrimEnd(new char[]{',', ' '}) + "]"; context.Response.WriteString(json, "application/json"); } }